Friday, August 10, 2007

The Source

Zero Carbon, Zero Waste , brought to you by Foster + Partners

What the article doesn't mention is that the biggest investors, including British Petroleum, Mitsubishi, and Fiat, will receive major carbon-credits for their investment.

It fascinates me that the layout of this city is so opposite any development going on in the US. It is so reminiscent of ancient cities, with buildings close together with interior piazzas. This development is taking place in one of the most oil-rich nations in the world. It is not entirely self-sustaining, although I don't know that any land in the UAE could be. Since the development seems to allow no agricultural land, is being "only" carbon neutral enough?

1 comment:

Anne McQuown said...

It seems like there is a missing piece to the puzzle. It says a future energy corporation is funding the city development. But think about the cash involved to plan and construct this massive undertaking. I'd really hate to see this thing go to the first phase and run out of money.