Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Preliminary First Floor / Site Plan

Entrance from Boylston directly into exhibit space, which steps down like an amphitheatre to attempt to follow the slope of the site, although the site slope is much steeper than the interior.

I am struggling with pushing the idea of public vs. private green space on the site. The direction I have been going is to have the public spaces slightly underground so when you enter the building, you move down into the building and the green space rises onto the roof. I am still working with this site plan and will have an update tomorrow.


Anne McQuown said...

I like the idea of being able to see down into the exhibit space, or go engage in it. Does a ramp system follow the outside shape of the building? Or are there slivers of ramp that run the length of the building. Not sure what the area between the two sets of stairs will be used for. If you dont need it for programing, you could cut away the walls.

Anonymous said...

Well said.