Monday, September 10, 2007


Sorry for the delay. Will add more description after the 11PM outage.

1 comment:

werner said...

Carli, I'm glad to see you are working on your project...
I hope you are also sketching the few details and work on th estructural systems description and diagram by mid-week (tomorrow or Thursday). I'm curious to see the plan of the first floor and how the publi entry piece meets the street. In elevation it looks as if your glass box is protruding from an earth mound. The mound going back up into the site. The mound also hppens on either side of the box. I'm not sure if that is the most appropriate solution to maximaize green space and produce a decent urban edge to the building. The box might have to shift even more towards Mass Ave and address the corner, rather than only Boylston Street, but the plan might show me wrong.
The details will help you clerify some of the material choices, especially the precast. It looks like you are proposing a curtain wall with four different materials glazed-in: PV panels, clear glass, metal panel and precast. as much as the first three are typically found in a curtain wall application, instead of precast I would suggest 1 1/2" stone panels, "swiss pearl" or "trespa".